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DevOps engineer: A complete guide to skills, career path, and success

DevOps engineer: A complete guide to skills, career path, and success

DevOps is now essential for speeding up software delivery without sacrificing quality. By encouraging collaboration between development and operations, DevOps engineer breaks down silos and drives faster innovation. This shift is not only changing how software is built and deployed but also reshaping IT careers.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance, understanding DevOps is crucial. Demand for DevOps skills is rising fast, with companies everywhere needing experts in continuous integration, delivery pipelines, and scalable infrastructure.

This guide will help you build a successful DevOps career, from entry-level roles to leadership opportunities.

Understanding the DevOps engineer career path

DevOps is an evolving field that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to enhance collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure, and workflows, and continuously measuring application performance. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the DevOps career path, including the role of a DevOps engineer, core practices, and the various stages of a DevOps career.

What is a DevOps engineer?

A DevOps engineer is a professional who bridges the gap between development and operations teams. They are responsible for implementing and managing the tools, processes, and infrastructure necessary to support continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of software products. Their role often involves:

  • Automation. Streamlining processes to reduce manual work.
  • Collaboration. Facilitating communication between development and operations teams.
  • Monitoring. Ensuring system reliability and performance through continuous monitoring practices.
  • Problem-solving. Quickly addressing issues that arise during development or deployment phases.

DevOps engineers typically possess skills in programming, system administration, and cloud technologies, making them versatile in various technical environments.

Core DevOps practices

The core practices of DevOps are designed to improve the speed, quality, and reliability of software delivery. Key practices include:

  1. Continuous Integration (CI). Regularly merge code changes into a central repository to automate testing and ensure that new code does not break existing functionality.
  2. Continuous Delivery (CD). Extending CI by automating the release process so that code can be deployed to production at any time with minimal manual intervention.
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Managing infrastructure using code and automation tools to provision and manage servers, networks, and other resources.
  4. Monitoring and logging. Implement tools to monitor applications in real-time for performance issues and log data for analysis to inform future improvements.
  5. Collaboration and communication. Fostering a culture of collaboration across teams to enhance efficiency and responsiveness.

Career stages in DevOps

The career path in DevOps typically progresses through several stages.

Entry-level positions

  • Roles such as release manager, test engineer, or system administrator are common starting points.
  • Focus on gaining foundational knowledge in Linux, networking, scripting languages (e.g., Python), and basic CI/CD tools like Jenkins or Git.

Mid-level positions

  • Positions such as DevOps engineer or cloud engineer require deeper expertise in DevOps tools for automation (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure).
  • Professionals at this level should also understand security practices and be capable of managing complex deployments.

Senior-level positions

  • Roles like DevOps architect or site reliability engineer (SRE) involve strategic oversight of DevOps practices across the organization.
  • These positions require strong leadership skills, extensive technical knowledge, and the ability to design scalable systems.


  • Many professionals choose to specialize in areas such as security (DevSecOps), automation engineering, or cloud architecture.
  • Continuous learning through certifications (e.g., AWS Certified DevOps Engineer) is essential for career advancement.

Job demand and salary growth

Market demand

The demand for DevOps professionals has skyrocketed, with a 75% increase in job postings over the last five years, according to DevOps Engineers were also listed among the top emerging roles in LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Jobs Report. This trend reflects the growing need for organizations to streamline software development and operational efficiency.

Salary trends (U.S. averages):

  • Entry-Level DevOps Engineer: $65,000 – $85,000 per year
  • Mid-Level DevOps Engineer: $90,000 – $120,000 per year
  • Senior DevOps Engineer/Architect: $130,000 – $160,000 per year

Global perspective

DevOps professionals are in high demand across North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Remote work opportunities are further expanding the job market, allowing companies to tap into a global talent pool.

Industry impact

  • Return on Investment (ROI). Companies adopting DevOps have reported a 20% reduction in time-to-market, leading to faster feature releases and customer satisfaction.
  • DORA’s Accelerate State of DevOps report. Organizations that embrace DevOps practices see higher profitability and increased market share.

How to become a DevOps engineer

Becoming a DevOps engineer requires a combination of formal education, practical experience, and continuous learning. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate the path toward a career in DevOps, including traditional and non-traditional educational routes, bootcamps, certifications, and the essential skills you’ll need.

Educational paths to DevOps

University degree

While a degree isn’t mandatory, many DevOps engineers come from a background in computer science, software engineering, or information technology. A university education offers a comprehensive foundation in programming, systems design, networking, and more. 

Typically, these programs take 3-4 years to complete but provide a structured and in-depth approach to technology.

Self-directed learning

Many successful DevOps engineers are self-taught, using online resources such as tutorials, blogs, and forums. This route allows you to learn at your own pace while focusing on key DevOps concepts like continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), cloud services, and containerization. This approach offers flexibility but requires discipline and a keen ability to identify learning gaps.

Non-traditional paths


DevOps bootcamps are intensive, short-term programs (typically 3-6 months) that focus on practical skills. These programs often emphasize hands-on experience with critical tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and cloud platforms such as AWS or Azure. For example, Springboard and General Assembly offer bootcamps that include DevOps training, often with job placement support.


Practical experience is invaluable in the DevOps field. Internships allow you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world projects while learning directly from experienced professionals. This route can help you gain the industry exposure needed to secure an entry-level position.

DevOps bootcamps and courses

Popular bootcamps

  • Springboard offers a software engineering bootcamp with DevOps training.
  • Udacity provides a Cloud DevOps Nanodegree that focuses on cloud-native and DevOps principles.
  • General Assembly includes courses in software development with DevOps methodologies.

Online courses

Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer a variety of courses on DevOps tools and practices. For instance, IBM’s Professional Certificate in DevOps and Software Engineering on Coursera covers essential DevOps knowledge.

DevOps certifications

Certifications are an excellent way to validate your skills and stand out in the job market. Here are some highly regarded certifications:

Building necessary DevOps skills

A successful DevOps engineer needs a mix of technical skills and soft skills:

  1. Technical skills:
    • Linux fundamentals. Most DevOps tools run on Linux, so a solid understanding of the system is crucial.
    • Scripting and coding. Knowledge of scripting languages (e.g., Python, Bash) is essential for automating tasks.
    • CI/CD tools. Familiarity with Jenkins, GitLab, or CircleCI is key to automating the software pipeline.
    • Cloud platforms. Proficiency in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for deploying applications.
    • Containerization. Understanding Docker and Kubernetes for application management.
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Tools like Terraform enable automation and consistency in infrastructure management.
  2. Soft skills:
    • Communication and collaboration. DevOps emphasizes cross-team collaboration, so strong communication skills are a must.
    • Problem-solving. Engineers must quickly identify issues and develop solutions under pressure.
    • Adaptability. The fast-paced nature of DevOps demands flexibility and openness to new technologies and practices.

Mastering DevOps interviews and accelerating career growth

Top DevOps interview questions

Technical questions:

  1. CI/CD:
    • Sample Question: “Can you explain how a typical CI/CD pipeline works and which tools you would use to implement it?”
    • Suggested Answer: Discuss the stages of the pipeline—such as integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring—and mention tools like Jenkins, GitLab, or CircleCI. Highlight any personal experience where you’ve built or optimized pipelines.
  2. Cloud infrastructure:
    • Sample Question: “How do you manage and deploy applications in cloud environments?”
    • Suggested Answer: Discuss your experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, and explain how you use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform to manage deployments.
  3. Automation:
    • Sample Question: “How have you used automation in your DevOps role?”
    • Suggested Answer: Provide examples of tasks you’ve automated, such as deployments, monitoring, or infrastructure provisioning, using tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef.
  4. Microservices and container orchestration:
    • Sample Question: “Can you explain the role of Kubernetes in managing microservices?”
    • Suggested Answer: Describe how Kubernetes helps with scaling, load balancing, and orchestration of microservices using containers, highlighting personal experience with setting up or maintaining Kubernetes clusters.

Behavioral questions:

  1. Teamwork:
    • Sample Question: “Describe a time when you collaborated with cross-functional teams to solve a problem.”
    • Suggested Answer: Focus on specific examples where communication and teamwork led to successful problem-solving, emphasizing your ability to work with both development and operations teams.
  2. Handling failure:
    • Sample Question: “Tell me about a time you failed in a project. What did you learn from it?”
    • Suggested Answer: Share an experience where a failure occurred, discuss what went wrong, how you addressed it, and what you learned. This shows your resilience and capacity for growth.

Suggested answers:

  • Structuring Responses: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and focus on how your experience and knowledge apply to the role.
  • Emphasizing Practical Knowledge: When discussing technical concepts, relate them to real-world scenarios you’ve worked on, demonstrating both understanding and hands-on experience.

Building a strong DevOps portfolio

Showcasing skills:

  • GitHub profile. A strong GitHub portfolio is critical. Include personal projects, contributions to open-source projects, and real-world examples of CI/CD pipelines, cloud deployments, or automation scripts.
  • Collaborative projects. Highlight projects where you worked as part of a team, demonstrating your ability to collaborate and communicate across departments.

Open-source contributions:

  • Benefits. Contributing to open-source projects not only improves your skills but also increases your visibility within the DevOps community. It showcases initiative, problem-solving, and expertise in real-world scenarios.
  • How to start. Identify projects that align with your interests and expertise, make small but impactful contributions, and gradually build your reputation.

Tips for successful interviews

Preparation strategies:

  • Research the company. Understand the company’s tech stack, tools, and challenges they might face. Tailor your answers to show how your skills align with their needs.
  • Practice scenario-based questions. Be ready for questions that involve problem-solving in real time. Practice with mock interviews or platforms like LeetCode for coding challenges.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Overlooking cultural fit. Companies are looking for candidates who align with their DevOps culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Emphasize how you fit into this culture.
  • Failing to explain problem-solving process. Don’t just focus on the solution—explain how you approached the problem, thought through challenges, and made decisions. This is key to demonstrating your critical thinking skills.

Strategies for continuous career growth


  • Emerging technologies. Stay ahead of trends by learning new technologies like DevSecOps (integrating security into DevOps), AI/ML in DevOps, or serverless architecture.
  • Advanced certifications. Pursue certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Docker Certified Associate, or Kubernetes Administrator to deepen your expertise and boost your career prospects.


  • Professional communities. Join LinkedIn groups, participate in DevOps forums, and contribute to discussions to build a strong network.
  • Industry events. Attend conferences, webinars, or local meetups to stay informed about new developments and expand your professional network.


  • Finding a mentor. Seek out experienced professionals who can provide guidance and advice on your career path.
  • Mentoring others. As you grow, share your knowledge with junior engineers or those new to DevOps. This not only reinforces your own skills but also enhances your leadership abilities.

Inside a DevOps team—structure, roles, and responsibilities

Understanding the structure, roles, and responsibilities within a DevOps team is key for organizations looking to improve collaboration and streamline software development. This section provides an overview of common DevOps team structures, key roles, examples of successful teams, and the importance of effective leadership in DevOps environments.

DevOps team structures

  1. Centralized structure

In a centralized model, a single DevOps team handles all DevOps-related tasks, working closely with development and operations. This structure promotes consistency across projects but may lead to bottlenecks as the team scales. It’s often best suited for smaller or early-stage organizations.

  1. Decentralized structure

A decentralized approach assigns dedicated DevOps resources to individual development teams, giving teams more autonomy and the ability to make quick decisions. However, this can lead to inconsistencies if best practices are not enforced across teams.

  1. Hybrid structure

The hybrid model balances the benefits of centralized and decentralized approaches. While core DevOps functions like infrastructure management and security may remain centralized, individual teams can handle project-specific DevOps tasks. This allows for standardization without sacrificing flexibility.

  1. Embedded DevOps teams

In startups or smaller companies, DevOps responsibilities may be embedded within existing development or operations teams. This fosters close collaboration but can dilute focus on specialized DevOps tasks, as team members juggle multiple roles.

  1. Site reliability engineering (SRE)

Some organizations adopt the SRE model, where a dedicated team ensures system reliability while collaborating with development teams to maintain operational efficiency. This model focuses heavily on uptime, monitoring, and incident management.

Roles and responsibilities

DevOps teams are made up of a variety of roles, each with its own set of responsibilities. These include:

  • DevOps engineer:
    Handles the implementation of CI/CD pipelines, automation of infrastructure, and management of Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • Site reliability engineer (SRE):
    Focuses on maintaining system reliability and performance, often taking responsibility for monitoring, incident response, and ensuring that development is aligned with operational goals.
  • Security engineer:
    Integrates security throughout the DevOps process, ensuring that applications and infrastructure are safeguarded from vulnerabilities (commonly known as DevSecOps).
  • Quality assurance (QA) engineer:
    Works with automated testing frameworks to ensure that software quality is maintained throughout development, helping catch bugs before they reach production.
  • Product owner/manager:
    Represents the stakeholders and business interests, ensuring that the team’s work aligns with the overall business objectives and project goals.
  • Release manager:
    Oversees the deployment process, coordinating with development, operations, and other teams to ensure smooth releases without downtime or errors.

Examples of successful teams

Several companies have successfully implemented DevOps teams that embody key principles:

  • Netflix:
    Netflix is renowned for its agile, cross-functional DevOps team structure, where development and operations work closely together. This setup has enabled the company to deploy thousands of updates per day, improving speed and flexibility.
  • Atlassian:
    Atlassian’s success with DevOps stems from its strong focus on communication. By fostering open communication between teams, they ensure rapid response to challenges, enhancing their software delivery capabilities.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS):
    AWS embraces a decentralized DevOps structure that gives teams the freedom to make decisions and act quickly while maintaining standards through a centralized system of best practices. This hybrid approach has helped them scale efficiently.

DevOps leadership

Effective leadership plays a crucial role in building and sustaining a successful DevOps culture. Key aspects include:

  • Visionary leadership:
    Leaders must articulate a clear vision for DevOps within the organization, showing how it ties into broader business objectives.
  • Supportive environment:
    A healthy DevOps culture thrives in an environment where experimentation is encouraged, failures are seen as learning opportunities, and communication is open.
  • Investment in skills development:
    Leaders should prioritize ongoing training and skills development to keep the team updated on the latest tools and trends. This is especially important in the fast-evolving world of DevOps.
  • Collaboration focus:
    Promoting cross-functional collaboration is essential to building trust and ensuring that DevOps practices are fully integrated across the organization.
  • Measuring success:
    Metrics are essential to gauge the effectiveness of DevOps processes. Leaders should implement KPIs (e.g., deployment frequency, and lead time for changes) to track progress and make data-driven decisions.


Navigating a successful DevOps career requires a continuous commitment to learning, balancing technical proficiency with strong soft skills, and taking proactive steps toward personal growth. Staying updated on industry trends, pursuing certifications, and engaging in hands-on projects are crucial for career advancement. Equally important are communication and collaboration skills, which foster teamwork and drive innovation. 

By participating in the broader DevOps community through networking, mentorship, and open-source contributions, you can unlock new opportunities and accelerate your career growth. Ultimately, a strategic, well-rounded approach will help you thrive in the dynamic world of DevOps.

Egor Kaleynik

IT-oriented marketer with B2B Content Marketing superpower. HackerNoon Contributor of the Year 2021 Winner – MARKETING. Generative AI enthusiast.
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