Valletta Software Development

Write It – an App for Managing Remote Workers

Application for control of service delivery by remote workers with GPS and media recording capability

Write It – an App for Managing Remote Workers

Project background 


Our client required a SaaS product that would allow clients and employers to efficiently manage and control the provision of services by remote performers. The application needed to support two roles: administrator and performer, enabling task assignment, report generation, and data collection. 

Project Goals

  • Develop a user-friendly SaaS application for remote service provision control.
  • Support two roles: administrator and performer, with distinct functionalities for each.
  • Enable performers to compile and submit detailed reports using various data formats.
  • Facilitate easy task assignments and report reviews for administrators.
  • Integrate essential tools and technologies to enhance functionality and user experience.
  • Web / Mobile
  • 4
    team members
  • 500+
    hours spent
  • Remote Work


  • Automating document flow and ensuring legal compliance of reports.

Our approach


We adopted an agile development methodology to ensure flexibility and continuous feedback from the client. Our approach focused on creating a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform that could handle the diverse needs of remote workers and their employers. 


The project team consisted of a project manager, backend, frontend/mobile developers, UI/UX designer.


The SaaS application was successfully launched, providing a robust solution for managing remote services. The system streamlined task management and report generation, enabling efficient control of remote work.


  • Successfully onboarded over 500 clients within the first six months.

Tools and tech stack